New Member Profile
Before you complete the form, please review the information and guidance about your Profile options here: Sweep Profile.
- Your photo: This is the photo that is displayed to potential customers on your profile page. If you want to change your photo, please use your full name as the filename and upload it with the rest of your details on the form below.
- Gallery: Add up to 9 images (3Mb per image max) or videos (see below). Please use your full name followed by a number as the file name for your photos. E.g. Jane Smith 1, Jane Smith 2 etc.
- Videos: Send us a link to your video on YouTube or Vimeo, along with a thumbnail picture.
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Chimney sweep ‘climbing boy’ honoured with blue plaque after 150 years
George Brewster was the last ‘climbing boy’ to die in England, but his death was also part of a much…
January 15, 2025