New Member Profile

Before you complete the form, please review the information and guidance about your Profile options here: Sweep Profile.

  • Your photo: This is the photo that is displayed to potential customers on your profile page. If you want to change your photo, please use your full name as the filename and upload it with the rest of your details on the form below.
  • Gallery: Add up to 9 images (3Mb per image max) or videos (see below). Please use your full name followed by a number as the file name for your photos. E.g. Jane Smith 1, Jane Smith 2 etc.
  • Videos: Send us a link to your video on YouTube or Vimeo, along with a thumbnail picture.
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Your Profile

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Upload a profile photo. This should be a passport style photo that will be used on your ID card and this website. Please use your full name as the filename.

Name and Address

Contact Details

In the ‘Contact Details’ boxes below – you will see some new options. Please add details of how you'd like to be contacted.

This is the ID of your Facebook profile (personal) account, or page (if you have a Business page)
International format. This is usually your mobile number (or the number that you use for What's App)

Services Provided

Services Provided - choose all that apply:
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload a copy of your Public Liability Insurance certificate.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload copies of any certificates (NVQ, Working at Heights, CCTV etc.) so these can be added to our files and where appropriate, displayed on your profile page.

Website and Social Media

To include links to your pages, please copy and paste the links to your sites in the boxes.

Please copy and paste the links to your site in the box.

Gallery (Images)

Up to 9 images including video (3Mb Max per image). Please use your full name followed by a number as the file name for your photos. E.g. Jane Smith 1, Jane Smith 2 etc.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 9 files.

Gallery (Video)

Send us a link to your video on YouTube or Vimeo, along with a thumbnail picture (this will be the picture used as a thumbnail before your video plays). If you don't have any video, you can use any that are published on Findachimneysweep or Burnright

Send us a link to your video on YouTube or Vimeo, along with a thumbnail picture (this will be the picture used as a thumbnail before your video plays).

The areas you cover

Areas Covered. You could say e.g. ’We cover a 25 mile radius of Newark’  Please also list up to 25 towns and villages, this helps search engines find you!

For Guild Use Only (this information will not be published)

Privacy Policy

I have read, understood and accepted the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

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