To preserve the guarantees on your woodburner and chimney, you may well need to have them swept / serviced. BUT, has the installation company said you must use them for service and maintenance to preserve the guarantee? If so, it’s NOT true and you are being misled.
Perhaps the installer has encouraged you to take out a sweeping / service contract. There’s nothing wrong that and most companies will give good service, but again, if they have given the impression you HAVE to use their company, that’s just wrong.
A professional sweep is the best person to cover the service and maintenance tasks required to maintain guarantees on a woodburner installation. There are lots of small checks and observations to go through, and a professional sweep will cover most these as part of the sweeping process. There may be other conditions of the guarantee like fuel type and usage, so it’s worth checking.
Your local professional sweep may also offer extra value for money in terms of impartial (usually) advice and guidance on fuels, appliance operation etc. Good advice can be invaluable, helping you to save money, stay safer and Burnright.
If you are currently using a company who said you HAD to use them for sweep and service to maintain guarantees, then they have misinformed you and perhaps it’s time to look elsewhere.
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