“JUST OUTSTANDING”. That’s how Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps chairman Lawson Wight described the way professional sweeps are meeting the coronavirus challenges head on.
He explained: “We work in people’s houses so when the restrictions hit in late March, we all came to a shuddering halt. Sweeps were anxious and uncertain about the risks to themselves and their customers. It was a shock for the whole country of course but our entire trade had the additional stress of zero income!”
Lawson added, “Most sweeps run small independent businesses. Since the start of the crisis many have come together online to share ideas and suggestions on best working practice for the future. It’s been fantastic the way everyone has worked together. It’s helped us develop comprehensive guidance for sweeps when working in people’s homes which gives the reassurance their customers need.”
Many sweeps have published new procedures on their website or social media or sent the information directly to their existing customers.
Don’t chance it, get your chimney swept and your fire checked so it’s ready to use when you want it. Find your local professional sweep here: https://www.findachimneysweep.co.uk/
Good PPE practice was normal for most professional sweeps before the crisis so they are well placed now to minimise risks. Masks, gloves, clean sheets and clean working procedures are all part of established working practice so it’s been relatively simple to add additional precautions to the normal routines. Your sweep should ask you questions about the health of everyone in the house and be able to reassure you with information about additional hygiene and distancing measures.
Please don’t wait until autumn to book, we’ll all be very busy catching up. If you have questions about safeguarding, phone your sweep and ask!