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Can my chimney sweep visit during a lockdown?

We all need people to visit our homes to carry out essential repair and maintenance work. It’s no surprise that many people have been putting things off lately but delaying or failing to arrange service and repair work can increase different risks as well as costs.

Chimney Sweep Roof Top

We all need people to visit our homes to carry out essential repair and maintenance work. It’s no surprise that many people have been putting things off lately but delaying or failing to arrange service and repair work can increase different risks as well as costs.

For householders

Personal circumstances differ. You may be comfortable booking someone to work in your house or it may make you anxious. Regardless of how you feel it will be reassuring to know that they have procedures to minimise risks. It shows they care about you and about themselves and their employees.

Working procedures may be published on the company website / social media or they may send you a copy. Or, just pick up the phone and get your questions answered. The main things you need to know are:

  • They should confirm with you that everyone in your household is symptom free and not isolating. They should confirm the same for themselves. You should agree to notify each other of any change to the health of people in your house before the appointment and delay if there is any doubt.
  • Observing social distancing guidelines is straightforward.
  • Do they have enhanced hygiene procedures. E.g. hand washing / sanitising, gloves, wearing masks where appropriate, protecting and sanitising the working area.

For tradespeople

It doesn’t matter if you are a plumber, a cleaner, a painter or a chimney sweep. Get yourself a set of procedures and routines and stick to them every time you visit a house. Publish them online and send them to your customers. A good set of procedures reduces everyone’s risk to a very low level. It also makes good business sense to reassure your customers.

The Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps has issued comprehensive guidance on new working procedures to all members.

See new working procedures here

The response has been outstanding and professional sweeps are leading the way on safe working in homes. Check them out!

Find your local professional sweep at:

The government guidance for working in people’s homes is mostly common sense. The guidance helps you identify and minimise the risks to you (or your employees) and to the households you visit.

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