Cambs Chimneys
Kyle James
Kyle Colville

Our chimney Sweep services
About Kyle James
I provide services in Sweeping and servicing of solid fuel appliances in the Perthshire and Angus area with a smile. I’m passionate about what I do and I go out of the way to ensure fire safety and piece of mind that you won’t get elsewhere.
I offer competitive prices and always go the extra mile on the job, whilst being very clean and organised, never leaving a mess. I offer advice and fully evaluate your ventilation, pass on the best burning methods and care instructions so that you will get the most out of you home fire. My service is very popular and I would recommend it once a year alongside your sweeping twice a year, and you will get so much more back from your appliance. keep in mind this is not applicable to open fire or fire insert appliances, which for any relevant minor servicing are free. I am a HETAS certified stove fitter and can install any stove, complete tiling and masonry work and chimney can installation. I can install liners and full twin wall artificial chimney systems from start to finish. I look forward to hearing from you. If you would like to get booked straight in without having to discuss any details or complications give Rebecca in the office a call, and leave her a message or a whatsapp if you don’t get an answer, she is a very busy lady. 07501 889411 |
Perthshire, Angus within a 40km radius. The North within a 20km Radius
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10 Things To Ask Your Sweep On Their Next Visit
10 Things To Ask Your Sweep On Their Next Visit
A wood burning stove gives you the choice of opting for a carbon neutral, renewable, and sustainable domestic heat source. Here are 10 things to ask your chimney sweep on their next visit to help you find the best way to achieve efficiency and low environmental impact with your woodburner or fire.
Looking for Specialist Chimney Sweep Services?
Professional chimney sweeping involves a variety of inspections and tests as a matter of course. Your sweep will also advise on maintenance / remedial work. Further advice on the efficient use of your fire and fuel will save you money and reduce environmental impact. Many sweeps provide additional specialised services. Use the categories below to search for specific services near you.
Find A Sweep How-To Videos
Useful tips and advice to help you get the most our of your wood burner or open fire.
Getting it right
By following the best operation practices for your Wood burner, you can save money, reduce polution and prevent the risk of a chimney fire, which are all key considerations for the safety and efficiency of your appliance.